CategorySomething about sand dunes
About a year ago I did something no one saw coming. My sister and parents have never known me to do such a thing. Even my husband shook hi..
Something about tubes of toothpaste and remembering on purpose
Despite a questionable approach to oral hygiene, I have a curious travel habit beyond Australian shores: I collect toothpaste.
Not exce..
Something about confidence and intimidation
One day, I wrote something about confidence. It went a little bit along these lines: ‘I was skating, someone was excellent at it; I was me..
Something about learning the same language
After three weeks remaining silent as a treatment for vocal nodules, my wife, Fiona, has begun talking again.
All the same words, many ..
Something about (not) learning Italian
For the best part of a year, our family has planned a trip to Italy. More accurately, Fiona planned a trip to Italy for our family. It’s f..
Something else about quitting
There is a problem with quitting.
This problem arises after you’ve been quitting things for a while. Not just the little things, the ea..
Something about a good dose of laughter
I’ve just realised that I have been missing something in my life over recent months; a good dose of laughter.
Not just an acknowledging..
Something about reasons to keep reading
My Bible is singing harmonies. Sometimes they’re well-rehearsed and easily recognised; Isaiah 52 and Daniel 7 and Luke 22, telling the sto..
Something about the silent treatment
My wife, Fiona, hasn’t spoken to me in almost three weeks. At all.
Her silence has been a means of treating vocal nodules that have been ..
Something more about quitting
Seven days ago, I wrote something about quitting which sparked a great conversation at a BBQ today. It seems quitting, or even talk of qui..