CategorySomething about sand dunes
About a year ago I did something no one saw coming. My sister and parents have never known me to do such a thing. Even my husband shook hi..
Something about Witness
Truthful witness by a good person clears the air, but liars lay down a smokescreen of deceit.
A witness is one who testifies to..
Something else about quitting
There is a problem with quitting.
This problem arises after you’ve been quitting things for a while. Not just the little things, the ea..
Something about whales, wind and waiting
I have always wanted to see whales close up. Whenever I was in a coastal whale area, I would strain my eyes out to sea; I would look for t..
Something about Love
I’m in one of those zones. One of those holy, blessed and warm places that’s saturated with overwhelming satisfaction. My relation..
Something about Bobby Fischer
In 1993, Paramount Pictures released a movie that had zero effect on my life at the time. It was Searching For Bobby Fischer starring Laur..
Something about a good, good Father
I spied Molly’s Father’s Day card for me earlier this week. I shouldn’t have looked because it was a surprise but she left it in a very pu..
Something about sore knees and dysfunction
My knees hurt.
Given they’re parts of a set of legs that have well over 120,000 kilometres on the clock, this probably shouldn’t surpri..
Something about breath
I’ve been at both ends and all points in between.
I have listened with joy to the spark of life erupting with a gasp when both my daught..
Something about closing ceremonies
Closing ceremonies don’t really do it for me.
As I sat folding a mountain of washing on my morning off, peopled sambaed, waved flags, s..