Something about lessons in friendship

Something about lessons in friendship

There’s fewer things in life that I strive to be than a good friend to someone. The thought of that not being the case, plays to my deepest insecurities. The need for approval, the want to be a decent person, the desire to show my daughters that what the world needs…. are deep relationships. Real ones that stand the test of time.

We want for our children to know and feel connection through friendships. Learning how to nurture friendships begins pretty early on in life!

So as parents, we teach them about good communication with one another. We teach them to express how they feel about words said or choices made. We encourage them to refrain from believing that a particular circumstance is how you perceive it to be, but to search for the true intent.

We want to show them how to be open and honest with someone but also how to come to those moments with humility and fragility.

How to look for those friends who say things like “You’re good with me”


How to recognise that sometimes you need to step aside.

There are moments in adult life that require a “stepping aside” and these moments can be painful. Those lessons are hard to learn but if LOVE is at the core than it can lead the way. If the source/LOVE in you is immovable, immeasurable and unimaginable, then it will carry you through those times.

We want them to know that the thing about love is that it’s strong but pliable. It doesn’t need to be outworked in the same way to every person. The outworking of love can vary but the source should always be the same. The source does not insist on it’s own way. It bears all things, believes all things, endures all things and never ends.

Calvary-shaped love stands the test of time. It calls you to a deeper place, one that friendship can’t take you.

It deals with the re-shaping of friendships, the when, the how and the how often and it soothes the pain and shame.

It allows you to step aside but never away.

It has no condemnation, no pride, no strive.

It is perfect in every way and it wins. Every time.

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